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Having fun - the path to your success?!

I have heard it said that just making a conscious decision to enjoy life can bring about amazing miracles. Have you ever experienced this? Have you ever tried setting your intentions on peace, love and joy - just to see what will happen?

I know a lot of people do not think this way. We get stuck in our habits and patterns of thought and accept that “hard times” and bad things happening are just how it is. But lately, I have been asking God to show me a different way. To notice when my own thoughts and feelings are in the way of me having a great experience. And you know what? When I decide to change my MIND, the experiences do change and God blesses me with things I thought were out of reach!

So I have decided to set my intention on living a life of more grace, ease and blessings...and letting myself have fun with my family and friends. So far so good!

Do you have and thoughts on this? If so I would love to hear them! Join my Facebook Group to share your mind and heart!

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