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Here's to your health and wellness...go ahead eat the chocolate!

Go ahead, eat the chocolate!

I have been a bit of a chocoholic lately...which is strange because I don’t really have any food addictions or cravings in general. So what is it about chocolate this week that is holding my focus?

Well some people say chocolate is very grounding, meaning if you feel spacey or like you can’t get clear focus or concentration going, a piece of chocolate may just do the trick. Since I have been meditating a lot more lately, while feeling more clarity, I also notice a bit of lightness. So maybe that’s it.

This is all just speculation on my part, however there are several good reasons to eat chocolate that are based on research! So there’s good news if, like me, you love it!

Reasons to eat your chocolate:

  • It is HEART HEALTHY! - Chocolate can lower cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of heart disease!

  • It may aid in lowering inflammation - Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants called flavonoids which have anti-inflammatory properties and are found in the world's healthiest foods!

  • It may enhance vision - a 2011 study showed that chocolate increased blood flow to areas like the retinas!

  • It is MOOD BOOSTING! Swiss scientists found that eating chocolate lowered stress and anxiety!

So go ahead, listen to your your chocolate! I know I am!

Here's to your week!

Guest writer, Crystal Willingham - Holistic Wellness and Business Consultant


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